Q: Do I need to register before ordering?
Definitely YES. By registering with us, it would be easier for us to keep track your billing and shipping details such as name, address, contact number and also easy to keep track your past order and payment status as well.
Q: Why I couldn’t login to albiesta.com using my own password?
The main reason is due to inactive account. You need to verify your account by clicking on the verification link which had been notified to your registered email address.
You may contact us at albiestacollection@gmail.com for technical assistance.
Q: What should I do if I forgot my password?
Just follow the below step :-
- Go to My Account page.
- Click on the Forgot Password link.
- You will be prompted with a window and please enter your email address (it must be the same email address you registered with albiesta.com.
- Check your inbox because the password will be notify automatically to the registered email address.